
MHD ACERE Auto Expert outlet opens in Salalah

MHD ACERE’s Auto Expert, an advanced dia­gnostics auto care and main­ten­ance centre, has opened yet another outlet in Oman. Loc­ated in Samahram street, Salalah, the facility has been designed as a one-stop-shop for all kinds of repairs and main­ten­ance, body and paint jobs, peri­odic ser­vices of all kinds of auto­mo­biles.

It is a multi-fran­chise ser­vice centre that will also serve as an out­let for provid­ing 4 x 4 accessories from Iron­man such as rooftop tents, can­op­ies, port­able freez­ers, winches, recov­ery equipment, pro­tect­ive bars, light­ing and elec­trical upgrades; car care treat­ment products from AutoGlym for com­plete res­tor­a­tion and many other global brands for Nano Ceramic and Graphene coat­ing. Auto Expert facil­ity will also provide and install world-class tyres and batteries under its roof.

Mohsin Hani Al Bahrani, CEO, MHD ACERE, com­men­ted, “With the aim of improv­ing esthet­ics and boost­ing car power, we will be offer­ing a hand-picked array of global products while offer­ing multi franchise ser­vice for all makes and brands, trendy off-road­ing accessor­ies, car detail­ing and pro­tec­tion, premium brand tires and bat­ter­ies. Auto Expert’s vehicle expert­ise extends to on-road per­form­ance as well as off-road.”

The com­plete car care ser­vices offered at Auto Expert are: Sched­uled Main­ten­ance Ser­vi­cing includ­ing Engine oil and fil­ter replace­ment, Stand­ard Check­point ser­vice, Auto-Air con­di­tion Service, AC per­form­ance test, Sys­tem pres­sure check, Con­denser check and check­ing of radiator cool­ing fan oper­a­tion; Inspec­tion of all AC com­pon­ents for wear, leaks and proper opera­tion, evac­u­ate and recharge sys­tem; Com­plete Cool­ing Sys­tem Ser­vice includ­ing checking of all hoses, belts; pres­sure test sys­tem, heater, defroster and cool­ing fan oper­a­tion, cor­rect coolant mix­ture to a 50/50 mix­ture, check­ing for leaks and so on.

The facil­ity also provides Engine Dia­gnostic Ser­vice: Fuel pres­sure test, code retrieval and vacuum test­ing; Brake Sys­tem (Front & Rear): Removal and replace­ment of pads or shoes, resur­face rotors or drums; inspect brake line and com­pon­ents and test park­ing brake; Engine Tune-Up: Replace­ment of plugs, fuel fil­ter, minor adjust­ment and scope test if needed; Transmis­sion Flush: Hook up flush machine adding flush­ing cleaner to trans­mis­sion, com­pletely flush all trans­mis­sion com­pon­ents, replace all trans­mis­sion fluid, add trans­mis­sion con­di­tioner, check for leaks, inspect the cable and all link­ages; and Motor Value Added Ser­vices: Clean and de-car­bon fuel injector, fuel rail, upper intake and intake valves and car­bon in a com­bus­tion cham­ber, engine oil flush­ing, power steer­ing flush­ing etc.